What can Public Places offer to globally displaced? - MVNZ

What can Public Places offer to globally displaced?


June 21 was #WorldRefugeeDay: Now when more and more people are being forced out of their homes, many are fighting displacement with a place. As a source of stability and social interaction in a new city,#publicspaces are where healing and connection often happen for refugees and recent immigrants.
While there is no one park or town square that can accommodate 22.5 million people, which is the global refugee population according to recent UN estimates, public spaces can still play a key role in addressing today’s global refugee crisis. In a time where more and more people are being forced out of their homes, many are fighting displacement with a place. As a source of stability and social interaction in a new city, public spaces are where healing and connection often happen for refugees and recent immigrants.
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Courtesy: www.pps.org
Project for Public Spaces works on placemaking for peacemakinghighlighting the importance of public spaces in building communities for displaced people

Top photo courtesy: www.dmblog.co.nz


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