Have question? Will surf! - MVNZ

Have question? Will surf!



How often have you thought, only if I knew how to do this, my work would have been a breeze? Or,  wish someone could just teach you how to operate the dishwasher, or the vacuum cleaner, microwave, oven. Or, simply find a fast and easy solution to your immediate problem at hand ….and the list goes on!

Well, to your rescue, someone does know, and someone might just have written about it!

Here are the top 5 ‘how-to’ websites that can definitely be of help:

  1. Google www.google.com – Of course, everything from your unfinished software code to the unwashed laundry, if you have a question, Google has an answer. Since it is a search engine, your boundary is not limited to any particular domain, so you have a higher possibility of finding what you are looking for.
  2. YouTube www.youtube.com – For that added visual aid, YouTube has a plethora of educational videos, appliance reviews, beauty, makeup tips and tutorials at your fingertips.
  3. How stuff works www.howstuffworks.com – If you want to know more about a topic, in terms of useful tips and tricks, this is a very useful website for detailed information.
  4. Wikipedia www.wikipedia.com – For information about most topics under the sun, visit Wikipedia. True to its name, it is an encyclopaedia of information, but all information in wikipedia need not be 100% authentic. There are areas that need citation, so be prudent.
  5. Pinterest www.pinterest.com – Looking for ideas? Pinterest is a great source to trigger those imaginations. It is a library of images, so you can get to what you want pretty fast. You can pin your own interest to your wall too!  


Top photo courtesy: www.freevector.com


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